Well I know it has been forever since I have posted anything new. Sorry! Life has been busy and great, so I should have been blogging about something, but I am finally back. Most of you know that Kevin and I have been trying to have children and with the magic of science ( in vitro) we are now pregnant. What a great Christmas present. I am 11 weeks and I have been feeling great. No morning sickness ( knock on wood) , just a little tired :) We are so excited for our little miracle. Our due date is July 14, so I will keep you posted on what is happening in the baby world. Thanks for being patient with me not posting anything for along time. Merry Christmas :)
Yay! You're back!!! Can't wait to see all the baby updates here! :) Document! It goes by SO FAST!!!
Congratulations! I'm so excited for you, and I'm so glad you haven't been sick. I hope your whole pregnancy goes well.
I am so glad you ere blogging again! I am glad that you are feeling so great. Nathaniel and I are planning on going to see Phantom so let me know if You and Kevin still want to go we can do dinner and make it a fun date night.
We are SO HAPPY for you guys, and it is SO COOL that we are only 1 day apart. My due date is officially July 13th HOW FUN!!!! We are going to have to hang out more and be belly buddies together for sure!
I have pretty much had the same type of pregnancy as you, not too sick, nautious but never bad, but SO SO SO TIRED!!!! I feel like I am always wiped out! But it is all SO worth it!
Well lets' hang soon with our bellies that are starting to stick out, well mine is at least! CRAZY!
YAY!! We are so happy about Baby Wooten!!
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