Ok, so I know most of you have read the Twilight Series, but I just finished the last one and I can't wait until August 2 for the new one to come out! Thank you Meagan for suggesting I read these books. I just couldn't put them down. If you haven't read them yet, you must. They are so good. Its was as additive as reading the Harry Potter Series for me. I can't wait for the movie to come out. We will all have to go see it together! Thanks again Meagan :)
K, so I am ALMOST done with the third one and I CAN'T wait for the new one to come out!! :) HEE!! SO EXCITED!! ;) Hope you are doin good girl!!
O yeah!!!! We are toally due for a BIG TIME GIRLS NIGHT when the movie comes out! The characters are not really who I thought in my mind but now I think it is going to work well once seeing the previews. I am so glad you read them. I just want my husband to bite me all the time now, is that strange?????
I am so excited you read them, aren't they great? This is what I miss about being out there, I want to see the movie with you guys. So glad your blogging now we can keep in touch :)
I'm going to go to the book release party in Corona on August 1st if you wanna come with! :)
Hi Laura! I just saw the link to your blog on Heather's....welcome to the blogging world! LOVE LOVE LOVE these books...can't wait for the movie!
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